The power of association

I have been longing to write for a while now. Is it the zeal that’s missing? Definitely no cos I remember dropping a very tasking job some months back since I feared it will kill my love for pen and paper. Well, I thought to myself..”maybe I don’t have the necessary knowledge, I’m just a natural orator”. I remember attending a writing workshop and virtually all I heard I know fairly well. However, a part of the presentation by Dr Maafoz Oladimeji stung me. It reads something like this “whoever is stung to write but not stung to read has been stung by a wrong sting…writing is impossible without reading”
Maybe I haven’t read enough I thought. Since change is as a result of actions, i took from the classics of my father’s library. One of the most praised African authors. The igbo man who published a few and helped other kingsmen edit theirs. He is Chinue Achebe, and his book, Things fall apart. Then I downloaded No longer at ease by the same author. I appreciated the simplicity and journey method of the books and I thought he could be the challenge I had missed all this time. It got me writing though but soon enough pressing physical activities with exhaust my energy and gradually I halted creative pieces.

Fast forward a bit
Now that I joined WordPress thanks to firyal, I know for sure that what I had lacked is the community of writers. A place and can dwell into journeying different lands and minds while sited on my toilet seat or lying on my small bed.
I now understand lucidly how powerful association is. When Mark anastasi mentioned in his book that “you will become like the six people you spend your time with” I understood it as traits rubbing off. I never knew it goes beyond that to likes, hobbies and interests.

Next time you want to make a change in your life, associate yourself with people related to it…thank you for reading
God bless me
God bless you
God bless Nigeria.